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Eucalyptus baueriana subsp. thalassina

Werribee Blue Box

Werribee Park Golf Club, 350 K Road,, WERRIBEE SOUTH VIC 3030 - Property No T12204

Horticultural value Remnant native vegetation Rare or localised Curious growth form This specimen of the newly described Werribee Blue Box (Eucalyptus baueriana subsp. thalassina), is growing naturally on the Werribee River flats. Its close proximity to salt water and exposure to salt-laden winds makes it an important genetic and horticultural specimen for propagation. Its location also makes it the most southern specimen of the subspecies in Victoria ... more



Eucalyptus baueriana subsp. thalassina

Mother Two Trunks ,  Werribee Blue Box

Werribee River, HOPETOUN PARK VIC 3340 - Property No T12431

This Werribee Blue Box grows on the northern bank of the Werribee River in Hopetoun Park, along a green corridor to the south of residential housing. This area is part of the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people.
It is an outstanding two-trunked specimen and has the largest circumference of the Werribee Blue Box trees in the area. Both trunks are hollow and have been burnt out. There are a number of Werribee Blue Boxes along this section of the ... more



Eucalyptus baueriana subsp. thalassina

Werribee Blue Box ,  Three Trunks

Werribee River , HOPETOUN PARK VIC 3340 - Property No T12432

This Werribee Blue Box grows on the northern bank of the Werribee River in Hopetoun Park, along a green corridor to the south of residential housing. This area is part of the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people.

It is an outstanding three-trunked specimen andis an exceptionally tall example of the species.There are a number of Werribee Blue Boxes along this section of the catchment, with at least 3 considered to be ofRegionalsignificance (T12431, T12432, ... more



Eucalyptus baueriana subsp. thalassina

Werribee Blue Box ,  Les' Landing

Werribee River , HOPETOUN PARK VIC 3340 - Property No T12433

This Werribee Blue Box grows on the northern bank of the Werribee River in Hopetoun Park, along a green corridor to the south of residential housing. This area is part of the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people.

It is an outstandingly talltwo-trunked specimen. Both trunks are hollow and have been burnt out.

There are a number of Werribee Blue Boxes along this section of the catchment, with at least 3 considered to be ofRegionalsignificance (T12431, ... more



Eucalyptus baueriana subsp. thalassina

Marnie's Stand ,  Werribee Blue Box

Werribee River , PARWAN VIC 3340 - Property No T12434

This stand of approximately 50 Werribee Blue Box trees occupies the southern bank of the Werribee River in Parwan. This area is part of the traditional lands of the Wadawurrung people.
The stand is comprised of approximately 15% large or very large trees, 25% medium, and the remainder smaller recruitment trees. Friends of Hopetoun Park and Parwan Gorge
have reported that this stand has the most numerous specimens and best natural recruitment ... more



Eucalyptus baueriana subsp. thalassina

Werribee Blue Box

295 Parwan-Exford Rd Southern bank of Werribee River, MOORABOOL SHIRE

This Werribee Blue Box grows on the southern bank of the Werribee River in Parwan. This area is part of the traditional lands of the Wadawurrung people. There is a stand of Werribee Blue Boxes approximately 350m west of this tree (T12434), along with a number of specimens on the northern bank of this section of the catchment, with at least 3 considered to be of Regional significance (T12431, T12432, ... more



Eucalyptus baueriana subsp. thalassina

Werribee Blue Box

North bank of Werribee River Hopetoun Park, MOORABOOL SHIRE

This Werribee Blue Box grows on the northern bank of the Werribee River in Hopetoun Park, along a green corridor to the south of residential housing. This area is part of the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people. 
It is a two-trunked specimen with an unusual branch structure. There are a number of Werribee Blue Boxes along this section of the catchment, with at least four considered to be of Regional significance ... more

